Friday 11 July 2014

One room down...

...only 10 more to go!

Well, E is back in her own newly pea green room and very happy about it, so I thought it might be wise to take a few snaps for posterity before it gets any more untidy.

Hmm... pictures still need to be hung (as opposed to balanced on the tops of shelves!)

Still waiting for her chosen fabric to be delivered before I can make the blind, so the old curtains had to go back up for now

Her 'desk corner' is still in progress - she would like a long deep shelf (like mummy's in the office) above the desk running along the white wall.  But Daddy has to finish the treehouse first (and rather urgently - only 12 more sleeps until the school holidays start...argggghhhh)
As is always the way, there are still a few things (some larger than others) that need to be sourced or finished, like a nice white cupboard for the overflow clothes which now don't fit in her drawers...

And the decorating circus is already rolling on to L's wee room as its new target:

Its so small it was almost impossible to photograph! But the fillering and sanding is well underway, so I predict ceiling painting may indeed be imminent.  Will I get it finished before the holidays start? I hope so...

But for now I need one of these:


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