Monday 21 July 2014

Delia casts an enquiring gaze on proceedings...

"Excuse me...there doesn't seem to be a great deal of work going on round here!"
That quizzical look was enough to goad me into action again on the diary writing front.  Admittedly there hasn't been much to report, because as soon as I arrived back from Sheffield (dad now slowly on the mend, though it looks like it will be quite a long recovery time from his head injury), I came down with the most awful viral throat infection - not good on my last full child-free week before the summer holidays!!!

So I was forced to take it extremely easy - not that it was difficult, I was basically incapable of doing anything other than lying down and groaning in between school runs and 'essential maintenance' jobs (eg cooking the tea).  And with the searing heat outside as well, I kept forgetting that I had a searing temperature and then would suddenly realised why I was in a cold sweat all the time...

But it seems to have been the best thing to do, as by Sunday I started to feel distinctly improved - enough to have a wander around our village open gardens (and well enough to do my stint clearing tea trays at the 'Open Gardens cafe', sadly!)

Our scarecrow entry for the competition survived the storms a few nights before the judging:

Meet Minimus Gladiatorius Catcottimus - the smallest gladiator in Catcott
I don't think we won (in fact, I've no idea which scarecrow did win, or how to find out!) but the children were very proud of him, and he wasn't too bad for a first go, once we'd sorted out the initial knock-kneed problem.

The scaffolding appeared at last very late on Friday afternoon (accompanied by a reasonably grumpy scaffolder and more cheerful assistant, I think him in charge felt he should have knocked off by that point but had possibly had had a flea in his ear by my builder...)

L is still temporarily in the end bedroom at the moment - naturally the decorating of his room hasn't made much progress with everything else getting in the way, so much for the 'get it finished before the summer hols start' optimism.  Now he thinks that he has a personal balcony, and has to be firmly reminded not to play on the scaffolding at all.  The cats think its great though, a private lookout post and sunbathing spot!

Finally managed to get into the garden to make a start on my backlog of jobs....

Half the onions harvested and set to re-dry after being doused by the torrential rain on Thursday night...

Supposedly being guarded by Cobweb - with his eyes shut, it seems!

Quite possibly the hugest tomates I've ever grown.  These are Brandywine, and I do hope they make it as far as ripening so I can see if the taste is as good as reputation would suggest...unfortunately I've had a smattering of blossom end rot affecting the other plants - could it be the super hot, and unshaded greenhouse? Or could it be the reliance upon husbandly watering services whilst I was away/ill....? Just saying...
The bees are going silly over this patch of borage in E's little garden... it has unfortunately flopped over the other path so I have to go the long way round or chance stepping over it and upsetting said bees.
More gardening likely tomorrow, I will try to get some more photos, as well as a Treehouse Construction Update! xxx

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