Saturday 5 July 2014

Hurray for lunches from the garden!

After a solid morning sowing more beetroot, general pottering and starting the mammoth task of setting out the leeks from their home in the seedbed, into their final positions, I was ravenous! And not a morsel of bread to be had in the house...

But then I thought - doh! And rustled myself up a (rather oversized, it has to be admitted), omelettes aux fines herbes, with a side of cooked beetroot. I felt so virtuous!

Perhaps I should try to challenge myself to do this at lunchtime every day? I'd love to be able to have at least 50% of our tea ingredients from the garden too - and it could probably be achieved, given how well everything seems to be performing at the moment - but unfortunately the small fry would go into meltdown if I presented them with that many vegetables...How have I raised such carb and meat obsessed children???

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