Thursday 19 June 2014

The painting is underway at last!


After waiting for weeks for the Engineer's emergency plaster patching to dry (it was about 2 inches thick!) we are finally off the starting blocks - ceiling done, Antique White walls done...

Gosh, doesn't the room look small with no furniture in it?

Actually the first coat of green was also achieved this evening, but sadly I am too tired to photograph it now - such a wimp.

It's so hot here that I wished I had thinned the paint a little bit, the two walls (one with the window) used up the better part of 2.5 litres of paint. Ridiculous. Too late now though.

And while I've been sweating away on her bedroom, what has the young lady concerned been doing?  Why, enjoying the weather properly, obviously:

Cheeky little minx.

I'm off to clean up the roller - oh joy - so I'll leave you with my two favourites in the garden this week:

Erigeron karvinskianus

Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll'

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