Friday 13 June 2014

Fowl pox?

As promised, here's a pic of my poor chicky Delia:

She may be poorly, but she can still move pretty fast!  Apologies for the blurry shot, she was quite determined not to be held and inspected this evening.  All her comb and wattles and round her eyes look like this, and are very pale and floppy, when they used to be the loveliest scarlet:

I am pretty certain that fowl pox is the problem, but I am keen to hear from any fellow chicken keepers out there who have more than my beginner's knowledge who might perhaps like to add any advice?  Thanks x

Meanwhile, in other news...tonight is the first ever Windy Acre camping sleep out!

Tents carefully pitched as close under the magnolia as possible - an attempt to mitigate the morning sun

Marshmellow related fun had by all
Camping in the garden is definitely the way forward - no sharing the washing facilities with queues of other families, no worries about disturbing the campers in the next tent (and vice versa), and you can have a proper campfire, unlike most campsites which restrict you to BBQ only.

As they were still giggling in their tent at well past 10.30pm, hopefully they will sleep late in the morning...?

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