Sunday 20 April 2014

All change!

Yes! At last the great tester pot merry-go-round is out of first gear and picking up speed...

E's room now pretty empty and ready to be transformed
With extremely heavy rain falling all around outside, what does any sane person do on Easter Sunday? Why, move furniture around, of course!

It's my own fault.  I did promise E several weeks ago that once school was back, whenever it wasn't 'garden weather' I would be turning my attention to decorating her room.  As she reminded me when the rain started today.  Don't you hate it when they do that?

Fast forward 3 hours later, all her furniture bar the bed is now reasonably tidily removed into the end bedroom - which despite being the 2nd biggest, has up until now remained empty of all but a chest of drawers and the spare bed, because it is one of the 2 rooms which will be (at some point) undergoing quite serious repair and renovation once the exterior source of it's 'self-decorating' walls has been remedied by Mr Builder.

Not too bad, I just hope she doesn't get too used to the cavernous floor space in here...

Unfortunately all this left her room looking decidedly institutional: naturally I cracked on in positive mood with the almost religious process of applying the first tester pot squares...I say positive mood as I had been fairly confident that my first option was likely to be THE ONE, given that the colour is already painted downstairs on the kitchen walls and looks there to be just the sort of sunny, warm sandy yellow colour we had in mind - not lemony, not too wishy washy, but also not too 'in your face cover your eyes in the morning' zingy bright yellow.  'Twas not to be.   Why does this always happen to me?  Up here in the south facing bedroom, the yellower tone of the light coming in combined with the nature of the shape of the room (small deep silled window, low down the wall, sloping ceiling, lots of strong shadows) resulted in the expected colour becoming much darker, more mustard like and definitely not the gentle warm sandy yellow of my dreams.  On to the back up plan - tester pot picked up 'just in case' on a whim in B & Q having seen a good sized sample painted above the display, and which looked through the clear plastic of the pot to be just the job.

You've guessed it - this one turned out to be exactly the sort of retina scorching shade of yellow I was desperately trying to avoid!  How is it that tester pots change colour completely when you put them on the wall???  This is the trouble with yellow, I find.  The last time I tried to search for 'the perfect soft yellow' for the lounge walls in the old house, I ended up with so many tester pot squares painted on the wall alongside each other that we were tempted at one point to just carry on like that and call it a patchwork paint effect.  Worryingly, that search ended up with me having the screaming abdabs one day and painting the lot over with ivory cream - which it still remains to this day, unless the new owner has already begun her own tester pot odyssey.

Still, there's plenty to do before the colour needs to be finalised - a dirty great section of lath and plaster wall to cut out and replace, for a start, before it falls off unexpectedly in the night and covers the whole room in centuries old lime and dead insect dust...along with some serious crack fillering, and quite possibly a little light floorboard repairing if I can gird my loins enough to dare lift the carpet...

So, something for us all to look forward to in the coming weeks of undoubtedly more typical West Country 'spring' weather xxx

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