Tuesday 8 April 2014

A magical evening discovery

As I type this evening something magical happened here at Windy Acre.  I have been blessed for the last 15 minutes by the haunting and mysterious sound of the too-woo-ooo call of a male Tawny Owl declaring our garden as part of his territory... I can't see him - its pitch black outside - but my goodness, he's loud...I haven't heard the too-wit response of his mate, perhaps it's a lone male searching for his perfect partner.  But the sound and the atmosphere it has created here in the quiet house this evening has sent shivers down my spine.  Welcome to Windy Acre, my friend, please help yourself to as many rabbits as you like!

In other (less spine tingling) news:

Rabbit fencing continues apace in the brief hours of daylight A has after work.  But he's getting on marvellously - here's the netting going in from the compost bin end.  This will be fiddlier, slower work than the opposite, grassy side as he has to work around the existing mature shrubs which surrounded the old panel fence.

Of course, I had to complicate matters further by insisting on another gate!  Horrors!  I am awful to the poor Engineer...However, I think that easy access to the only mains tap in the garden might be fairly crucial if we have an extended dry period and use up all the water butt stored supply.  As we are now on a water meter, this tap will certainly not be used lightly, but if it were to come down to using the mains water occasionally or losing a whole season's vegetable crop, then I know what I will choose.  Also, I can see the practical benefit of creating a wee secret path to the veg garden through the border here - a short cut from the washing line and hammock area.  (What me, sneaking a cheeky 10 minute sunny afternoon snooze in the hammock when I'm supposed to be hanging the washing out? Never...)

And here's the cutest thing - L's own design specification for his tree house, complete with 'bumpy slide' incorporated from the existing playtower.  Am I growing another engineer in the house, or just another future demanding client?  The former, I very much hope...x

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