Sunday 25 May 2014

Just a quickie...

...before I whizz off to bed in readiness for tomorrow's mammoth day of tank-based adventures!

An odd bank holiday weekend so far - torrential rain yesterday, blistering sunshine today...

Paint purchased for the first proper re-decorating project of the new house:

Yes, at last E has made her mind up about her colour scheme, having changed it completely from the yellow-white-sea greeny/blue that she had in the old house and was initially extremely gung ho about having her new bedroom exactly the we can see from the above 'mood board' collection, she did a total about face and we now have a jungle tiger/pippi longstocking inspired green-white-orange scheme.  This is fine, I really like the green she has (finally!) chosen - the one on the right in the photo, slightly paler - and it will look fresh with the white furniture etc, but it is also a warm toned green so the room shouldn't look chilly.  BUT...of course this now necessitates new blind at the window (fabric still to be found), new bed throws and blankets (although I have already discovered a potential candidate at the National Trust shop in Tyntesfield during last weekend's post-TKD tournament stopover), and new cushions to add that all important orange element...

Meanwhile, filling cracks in the walls has commenced, as has changing the 1990s triple spot energy guzzling light fitting for a single bulb drop (to be completed with a white paper lantern shade once painting is done), and rolling up the carpet to investigate the cause of the squeaky boinging floorboard (looks like the board has been cut for previous pipes and electric work and not screwed back down ever...).  Naturally much swearing and bad tempered running up and down the stairs has accompanied all this as the Engineer struggles with the delights of electrics.

How I ever think I am going to get any of this decorating done with the kids off school next week I have no idea!

Further purchases so far this weekend include a new bike for E, with L moving up swiftly onto her old one (the Engineer still wincing at the onslaught to his wallet after the purchase of the paint for her room only half an hour previously).  Maiden voyage for all concerned on their new bikes occurred this afternoon, leaving me with an hour's peace to try and make headway on the emptying of the patio pots of their sad looking spring options, in readiness for the Great Summer Container Planting which I hope to proceed with over the next few days.  Why does this take so long?  Quite literally all afternoon to empty the pots and tidy away the detritus.  And now my back is killing me - this does not happen with 'normal' gardening.  There is obviously something dangerous about bending over pots for hours on end.

So to cheer myself up I gather a little posy of roses for the kitchen table:

which included some Icebergs, a Gertrude Jekyll, a Queen Elizabeth (I think) and 2 blooms from the unknown and seriously bedraggled looking bush in the rose divider border that nevertheless seems to be producing these lovely two toned flowers (top left).  The scent is a delight.

Whilst in the background a naked (yet again) small boy decided that the coolest place to be was in the mop bucket full of cold water...

It is, indeed, a hard life to be a child on a hot Spring Bank Holiday!


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